Want to know what a movie would look like if you crossed Star Wars with Lord of the Rings?
Go see the new movie from Marvel, Thor, The Dark World. This movie brings a lot to the big screen.
Chris Hemsworth once again dons the red cape and swings the mighty MJOLNIR . Competent performances from Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, and Rene Russo. The biggest thrill came from Tom Hiddleston once again portraying Thor's half brother LOKI. He steals scene after scene and I loved it. The big baddie is played by Christopher Eccleston he is ok but his part is muddied by some unclear motives. Just understand that he wants to destroy everything including the 9 known universes. Never clear where he plans to live after destroying everything either.
There are some good jokes tossed around and the special effects are nice. I saw this movie in 3 D but found that sloppy. See the movie in IMAX and 2D if possible.
Lots of Asguardians die in this. For such a great race they are suspectable to the sword. Stay through the credits there are 2 extra scenes, one right after the start of credits and one at the very end of credits.